Sunday 28 November 2010

Does our identity change in cyberspace?

Identity in cyberspace is a huge part in the way cyberspace is run,from creating a mii on a wii game or a specific person you wish you perceive on an internet gaming site.But why do people change their identities in cyberspace?
Xbox Dashboard are a good example of the way identity can be adapted to your choice on computer games.On the Xbox every gamer has a profile ,this profile can be set to whatever the gamer decides.From the choice of identity on their avatar,Tag name as well as games which have been played.This identity can be changed at any time therefore cyberspace has affected the way people are portrayed on game consoles.

Facebook has also the ability to change a person's identity,from the name in which you preferred to be named as to your privacy settings.The image above shows a Facebook info page.This page states the sex of the user,birthday,relationship status + anniversary,hometown,Siblings,Parents,interests,religion and many more.From just the info section of a person's Facebook you are able to find out a lot of information about an individual.So did you really realise how much information you are giving out on Facebook to strangers?

Other social networking sites also have trackers which can access where you currently are and post that onto the internet as well. This also links to a previous blog about the society which we live in and how the current day is more like Big brother where we are constantly being looked on by the public.

Cyberspace has changed over the years though,it has not only been full of writing flying over the screen and various coloured lettering and fonts.Before Identity Web 2.0 was created MUD and Moo were also created.there were no real social networking sites apart from IRC (internet relay chats) which are the equiverlant  to chats rooms.

MUD-Multi user demain which is Texted Based
MOO-An object orientated which the site uses graphic images as well as text.

        But does our identity really change when in cyberspace?


From looking at various gaming tags,does this world that we call cyberspace really show our true colours? Or is it a reality of what we wish to be? From the choice in which you wish to portray yourself through fashion styles of your avatar to the colour of your hair to the latest updates of Xbox live. There is no doubt that cyberspace is a way in which people are allowed to change their real identities.Whether you're a gaming fanatic or a casual xbox gamer,identity plays a huge role in the game itself.For example,in many war games the choice of ............. is able to be changed throughout the duration of the game to show power.If this isn't a prime example of the way identity if portrayed in cyberspace then this blog way as well be writing itself.


Aswell as cyberspace being a main part of the gaming world there are other ways in which cyberspace is showing the true identity of an individual.For example, Habbo hotel,many teenagers play this 'social area' whereby a character of themselves are in an interactive chat room with people all over the world.So why do we take so long creating rooms which shows your wealth of your parents credit cards and creating an avatar in which only shows your aspects of your appearance you want other people to see.

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