Sunday 7 November 2010

Citizen Journalism:Cat Lady to Perez Hilton.

Citizen journalism is a great way in which a variety of people in different social classes can contribute in the way in which journalism is today. From writing an article in a magazine to voicing your opinion on social networking groups to online video footage. This was not always be the case though, Citizen journalism was the main way in which news was fed across the world before televisions and Radios. Oral news more commonly known as gossip,  was the main way in which citizens communicated before technologies. So is citizen journalism really a good idea or should we just leave it to the professionals.

Journalism plays a huge role in feeding the public with the latest news updates from all around the world. For example, from where Posh and Becks are next going on holiday, to the local bank worker chucking a cat in the bin. Many people base their knowledge and understanding from the most popular sources, the News broadcasts, Newspapers, and the Internet. But have you ever thought CCTV may be the main corporate in such a huge news story.


"Lola, a four-year-old tabby, was discovered 15 hours later by owner Darryl Mann after he heard her cries.He then checked his security cameras and saw footage of the woman first stroking Lola and then grabbing her by the neck and throwing her in the bin. "

This article and footage on the BBC website brought up many complaints to the BBC in the way in which the news was handled. In many situations the way in which news is fed to the public is through:
                               Journalists at the scene * Social Networking YouTube 

The story of Ms Dale more commonly known as the 'cat lady' was the complete opposite. The story began in August 2010,when the CCTV footage of Bane chucking Lola the cat into the owners bin was pasted on face book, this footage was then given to the police which was then taken upon the BBC to broadcast the latest story and updates to the public. Although this is story is on a very small scale, it shows that citizen journalism does have a huge impact on the way journalism is portrayed in the public eye. On various other occasions citizens have been quicker than journalists themselves, either due to location or lack of timing. For example, the London bombings and the 9/11 attacks on the world trade centres. Citizens filmed many of the news feeds that were posted on CNN news and the BBC. This will answer any controversies on why the filming and quality was not to professional standards. Although it seems citizen journalism is a great way in informing the public on relevant world crisis.

                                                                                                          Perez Hilton and Rihanna

Many citizen journalists do take their role very seriously. For example, Mario Armando Lavandeira or more commonly known in the media world as Perez Hilton. Perez first began blogging about his favourite celebrities on a social networking site he finally he realised this was the profession he wished to be in, now being known as the “Celebrity bitching queen”. So would you really class Perez as a journalist telling the public about Britney shaving off her hair or just his love for a good old gossip.

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