Friday 19 November 2010

Cyberspace and what it has done to us and our mobiles?

Cyberspace is not a free frontier but a new battlefield for both old traditional keeper or power and the new virtual rivals command and conquer"-Jar Peltalo.

Cyberspace plays a huge role in the way that we live our day to day lives,from communicating with friends on the latest's X box games to text talk on your latest I phone.So is cyberspace dead or still developing in the world that we live in?

Some people feel that cyberspace is an out of this world society where by real life events do not take place,or possibly cartooned into a more comfortable situation.Fans of X box's and playstation's will understand the way in which communities of gamers are joined in the like of interests and games and will live in a virtual world where characters can be created and games can be played not only individually's but in societies.For example,the latests call of duty Black ops is a prime example of societies in Cyberspace,many gamers have joined societies whereby they team up into various groups to progress in the game.

There is no doubt that texting plays a huge part in the lifestyle in most societies,from texting a friend to meet up for a coffee to organising your next meeting whilst at work.Cyberspace plays a huge role in the way that texting has devloped.Ever thoughts of texting your friends with correct spelling and grammar? I don't think so,text language is not only used on mobiles phones anymore from communicating on social networking sites to emailing your friends,texting language has taken over the english language.

Text talk- "Hi wubu2 fancy comin for a coffee @ 6"
English language- "Hi what are you up to?Would you like to come for a coffee at 6?"

From when texting began the normal english language was used,but after cyberspace got its hands on our thoughts of texting and cyberspace communicating our thoughts of texting began introducing various different styles of spellings,from changing letters into numbers and shortening words dramatically,there is no doubt that cyberspace has taken over not only games and the internet but also the way our society live their day to day lives.

So should cyberspace finally be defeated or should it continue to role our minds?

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