Friday 19 November 2010

Real life and Cyberspace,Any difference?

"Cyberspace is not a free frontier but a new battlefield for both old traditional keepers of power and the new virtual rivals command and conquer"-Jari Peltalo

Cyberspace plays a huge role in the way that we live our day to day lives,from communicating with friends on the latest's X box games to text talk on your latest I phone.So is cyberspace dead or still developing in the lives that we live in?

Some people feel that cyberspace is an out of this world society where by real life events are covered up with fairytale situations.Fans of Xbox's and Playstation gaming will understand the way in which communities join groups in the likes of games and interests,where they will live in a virtual world whereby they are involved in the came by their virtual character's. For example,the latest's Call of Duty-Black Ops X box game is a prime example o societies in Cyberspace,many games have joined societies whereby they create teams to defeat the enemy.

There is no doubt that texting plays a huge part in the lifestyle that we live in.From texting a friend to meet for a night out to organising your next business meeting.Cyberspace plays a huge role in the way that texting has developed through the generations.From when Mobiles were first invented in      to the latest I phone where basically you can revolve your life around your mobile phone.Ever thought of texting your friends with correct spelling and grammar,and then spell checking to ensure that there are no mistakes in such a simple text?  Don't be silly.

Text-"Hi wubu2,wana come 4 a drink? C u @ 7 x"
Normal English- "Hi what have you been up to,want to come for a drink? See you at 7 x"

But is there a time and place for text slang or can it be used anywhere.Many people have come so immune to using correct english to communicate through electrical devices that it has also become the "norm " to talk in text talk on social networking sites as well as email.

So is there really anywhere were cyberspace hasn't affected our day to day lives?

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