Sunday 31 October 2010

Halo Vs The Bee's.

Isn’t it crazy how a computer game can control the mind of a human being? From the non-stop gaming teenagers, to the to the casual gamers. There is no doubt that the release of the X box was a godsend. From the release of the Halo 2 in July 2004 the huge fan groups have joined together to create a society. The increasing popularity for war games have twisted the minds of all gaming fans, thriving of the fact of brutal fighting games to empower their computing minds.

But there is always a twist to such a great plan. This twist was Jane McGonagall, the founder of I love bees. So why is a war game linked to bee’s? This is the question, which is twisting everyone’s mind. From living in the future in the 26th Century to learning about various different natures of Bees and the way in which they live in a community.

From the advertisement malfunction on the ending credits of Halo 2 to the hacked I love bees website there was a huge amount of controversy on how a game can be linked to such a boring website showing the love of bees from a middle aged female. This was only the start of the mission, various different subliminal messages were passed on to the gaming fans to where they had to locate various different telephone calls around America to then continue on to the search of Halo 2’s latest twist. Only a few gamers were privileged to continue the treasure hunt to get their hands on the game days before the initial release. Hundreds of gamers fulfilled the guidelines of the hunt for Halo 2 and were rewarded an evening which would take the breathe away of any fan of Halo. Becoming an army on the futuristic game and fighting against the opposing teams on a huge cinema theatre screen.

So why the treasure hunt rather than just waiting a few more days? Many people wished to be a part of a craze which travelled all over America, to be a part of the virtual game. Many gamers dream of being a part of a game so therefore from completing various tasks and maps to find the "treasure" ensured dreams were for filled.

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