Sunday 28 November 2010

Does our identity change in cyberspace?

Identity in cyberspace is a huge part in the way cyberspace is run,from creating a mii on a wii game or a specific person you wish you perceive on an internet gaming site.But why do people change their identities in cyberspace?
Xbox Dashboard are a good example of the way identity can be adapted to your choice on computer games.On the Xbox every gamer has a profile ,this profile can be set to whatever the gamer decides.From the choice of identity on their avatar,Tag name as well as games which have been played.This identity can be changed at any time therefore cyberspace has affected the way people are portrayed on game consoles.

Facebook has also the ability to change a person's identity,from the name in which you preferred to be named as to your privacy settings.The image above shows a Facebook info page.This page states the sex of the user,birthday,relationship status + anniversary,hometown,Siblings,Parents,interests,religion and many more.From just the info section of a person's Facebook you are able to find out a lot of information about an individual.So did you really realise how much information you are giving out on Facebook to strangers?

Other social networking sites also have trackers which can access where you currently are and post that onto the internet as well. This also links to a previous blog about the society which we live in and how the current day is more like Big brother where we are constantly being looked on by the public.

Cyberspace has changed over the years though,it has not only been full of writing flying over the screen and various coloured lettering and fonts.Before Identity Web 2.0 was created MUD and Moo were also created.there were no real social networking sites apart from IRC (internet relay chats) which are the equiverlant  to chats rooms.

MUD-Multi user demain which is Texted Based
MOO-An object orientated which the site uses graphic images as well as text.

        But does our identity really change when in cyberspace?


From looking at various gaming tags,does this world that we call cyberspace really show our true colours? Or is it a reality of what we wish to be? From the choice in which you wish to portray yourself through fashion styles of your avatar to the colour of your hair to the latest updates of Xbox live. There is no doubt that cyberspace is a way in which people are allowed to change their real identities.Whether you're a gaming fanatic or a casual xbox gamer,identity plays a huge role in the game itself.For example,in many war games the choice of ............. is able to be changed throughout the duration of the game to show power.If this isn't a prime example of the way identity if portrayed in cyberspace then this blog way as well be writing itself.


Aswell as cyberspace being a main part of the gaming world there are other ways in which cyberspace is showing the true identity of an individual.For example, Habbo hotel,many teenagers play this 'social area' whereby a character of themselves are in an interactive chat room with people all over the world.So why do we take so long creating rooms which shows your wealth of your parents credit cards and creating an avatar in which only shows your aspects of your appearance you want other people to see.

Friday 19 November 2010

Real life and Cyberspace,Any difference?

"Cyberspace is not a free frontier but a new battlefield for both old traditional keepers of power and the new virtual rivals command and conquer"-Jari Peltalo

Cyberspace plays a huge role in the way that we live our day to day lives,from communicating with friends on the latest's X box games to text talk on your latest I phone.So is cyberspace dead or still developing in the lives that we live in?

Some people feel that cyberspace is an out of this world society where by real life events are covered up with fairytale situations.Fans of Xbox's and Playstation gaming will understand the way in which communities join groups in the likes of games and interests,where they will live in a virtual world whereby they are involved in the came by their virtual character's. For example,the latest's Call of Duty-Black Ops X box game is a prime example o societies in Cyberspace,many games have joined societies whereby they create teams to defeat the enemy.

There is no doubt that texting plays a huge part in the lifestyle that we live in.From texting a friend to meet for a night out to organising your next business meeting.Cyberspace plays a huge role in the way that texting has developed through the generations.From when Mobiles were first invented in      to the latest I phone where basically you can revolve your life around your mobile phone.Ever thought of texting your friends with correct spelling and grammar,and then spell checking to ensure that there are no mistakes in such a simple text?  Don't be silly.

Text-"Hi wubu2,wana come 4 a drink? C u @ 7 x"
Normal English- "Hi what have you been up to,want to come for a drink? See you at 7 x"

But is there a time and place for text slang or can it be used anywhere.Many people have come so immune to using correct english to communicate through electrical devices that it has also become the "norm " to talk in text talk on social networking sites as well as email.

So is there really anywhere were cyberspace hasn't affected our day to day lives?

Cyberspace and what it has done to us and our mobiles?

Cyberspace is not a free frontier but a new battlefield for both old traditional keeper or power and the new virtual rivals command and conquer"-Jar Peltalo.

Cyberspace plays a huge role in the way that we live our day to day lives,from communicating with friends on the latest's X box games to text talk on your latest I phone.So is cyberspace dead or still developing in the world that we live in?

Some people feel that cyberspace is an out of this world society where by real life events do not take place,or possibly cartooned into a more comfortable situation.Fans of X box's and playstation's will understand the way in which communities of gamers are joined in the like of interests and games and will live in a virtual world where characters can be created and games can be played not only individually's but in societies.For example,the latests call of duty Black ops is a prime example of societies in Cyberspace,many gamers have joined societies whereby they team up into various groups to progress in the game.

There is no doubt that texting plays a huge part in the lifestyle in most societies,from texting a friend to meet up for a coffee to organising your next meeting whilst at work.Cyberspace plays a huge role in the way that texting has devloped.Ever thoughts of texting your friends with correct spelling and grammar? I don't think so,text language is not only used on mobiles phones anymore from communicating on social networking sites to emailing your friends,texting language has taken over the english language.

Text talk- "Hi wubu2 fancy comin for a coffee @ 6"
English language- "Hi what are you up to?Would you like to come for a coffee at 6?"

From when texting began the normal english language was used,but after cyberspace got its hands on our thoughts of texting and cyberspace communicating our thoughts of texting began introducing various different styles of spellings,from changing letters into numbers and shortening words dramatically,there is no doubt that cyberspace has taken over not only games and the internet but also the way our society live their day to day lives.

So should cyberspace finally be defeated or should it continue to role our minds?

Tuesday 9 November 2010

Blackberry Vs Imac....Who wins facebook,you decide.

With the technology industry booming in the 21st Century there is no doubt smart phones are taking over the conventional desktop computer.From the latest Iphone with everything you need to run a business,to creating music on an I mac within the comfort of your own homes.                  
                              So why facebook?

"Facebook is a social networking website that was originally designed for college students, but is now open to anyone 13 years of age or older. Facebook users can create and customize their own profiles with photos, videos, and information about themselves. Friends can browse the profiles of other friends and write messages on their pages"

From the layout of the site to the use of colours and hyperlinks.There is no doubt that this social networking site has gripped the nation into updating their status about their day to day lives.Whether your connecting to the site through a smart phone or a computer the main purpose is to update statuses and communicate with friends.But do you really realise how much change their is from a mobile to a computer?

Interface design plays a huge role in the way different webpages are portrayed on various electrical devices.From the megapixels in a laptop to a smart phone the difference must take its tole on various aspects of the content of a webpage.

On the blackberry curve Facebook is a very basic layout with the basic:
wall posts and profile,Sending messages and Add a friend.

When analysing Facebook on an  Imac,the home page is in much more detail. From various hyperlink options to the layout of the whole webpage.These included:
Add as a friend,Send a messages,Wall posts,Groups,Poke and Facebook chat.

This simplicity on a smart phone shows how much technology has developed from the invention of Microsoft Windows in 1989 to the recent release of Windows 7 in 2010.And from the first mobiles phones with only the option to call and now in 2010 you can run a business with a smart phone.

So,did you notice the difference on Facebook on your smart phones to your home computer?

Sunday 7 November 2010

Citizen Journalism:Cat Lady to Perez Hilton.

Citizen journalism is a great way in which a variety of people in different social classes can contribute in the way in which journalism is today. From writing an article in a magazine to voicing your opinion on social networking groups to online video footage. This was not always be the case though, Citizen journalism was the main way in which news was fed across the world before televisions and Radios. Oral news more commonly known as gossip,  was the main way in which citizens communicated before technologies. So is citizen journalism really a good idea or should we just leave it to the professionals.

Journalism plays a huge role in feeding the public with the latest news updates from all around the world. For example, from where Posh and Becks are next going on holiday, to the local bank worker chucking a cat in the bin. Many people base their knowledge and understanding from the most popular sources, the News broadcasts, Newspapers, and the Internet. But have you ever thought CCTV may be the main corporate in such a huge news story.


"Lola, a four-year-old tabby, was discovered 15 hours later by owner Darryl Mann after he heard her cries.He then checked his security cameras and saw footage of the woman first stroking Lola and then grabbing her by the neck and throwing her in the bin. "

This article and footage on the BBC website brought up many complaints to the BBC in the way in which the news was handled. In many situations the way in which news is fed to the public is through:
                               Journalists at the scene * Social Networking YouTube 

The story of Ms Dale more commonly known as the 'cat lady' was the complete opposite. The story began in August 2010,when the CCTV footage of Bane chucking Lola the cat into the owners bin was pasted on face book, this footage was then given to the police which was then taken upon the BBC to broadcast the latest story and updates to the public. Although this is story is on a very small scale, it shows that citizen journalism does have a huge impact on the way journalism is portrayed in the public eye. On various other occasions citizens have been quicker than journalists themselves, either due to location or lack of timing. For example, the London bombings and the 9/11 attacks on the world trade centres. Citizens filmed many of the news feeds that were posted on CNN news and the BBC. This will answer any controversies on why the filming and quality was not to professional standards. Although it seems citizen journalism is a great way in informing the public on relevant world crisis.

                                                                                                          Perez Hilton and Rihanna

Many citizen journalists do take their role very seriously. For example, Mario Armando Lavandeira or more commonly known in the media world as Perez Hilton. Perez first began blogging about his favourite celebrities on a social networking site he finally he realised this was the profession he wished to be in, now being known as the “Celebrity bitching queen”. So would you really class Perez as a journalist telling the public about Britney shaving off her hair or just his love for a good old gossip.