Sunday 24 October 2010

The Pro's and Con's of Social Networking.

In the world that we live in, the internet plays a huge role in the way we live today. From the quirky emails from friends and family to running a business which caters for companies all over the world. So are network societies really a good invention or just another website of pointless opinions?

From the stay at home mums to the business men in cities, every individual has the ability of being a part of a network society. Many people feel that these websites are a way of voicing opinions on topics which may not be accepted in the community of which they live in. Many people use social networking sites as they are quick, easy, and effective on putting your point of view across. Although there are many celebrities and business orientated individuals on network societies there is no democracy or discriminations to race or sex, therefore any individual is able to voice  their opinions. Network Societies are also a way in which advertisement can be published all over the world, as well as targeting various audiences. Network societies are a great way in promoting freedom of speech and enabling every social class to have an input of the world of social networking. Many people have different views on Network Societies, whether they are positive or negative, there is no doubt, that they are an amazing way in which people can engage in topical debates with people which may either have a barrier of communication or accessibility. 

Network Societies are not only a great way in which opinions can be voiced, but there are always negatives to such a great invention. On a few occasions inappropriate footage can be posted on network societies, which could either be offensive or not appropriate for other viewers. Although social networks are a good way of publishing various events and personal feelings, these websites have been known to become addictive resulting in an individual feeling that the site must be accessible all of the time. This can result in people communicating only over the Internet and not to individuals face to face. Copyright is always a huge downfall for the internet and not only social networking sites. People which state various different opinions can sometimes stumble over copyright laws which could either result in a fine or even imprisonment. Many people feel that social networking sites are a very open site where there is no privacy given to individuals voicing their opinions.

So are social networking sites really that useful or just a place where people can waste their days communicating and voicing their opinions through a keyboard?

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