Monday 7 February 2011


With the invention of search engines in 1991, the world has gone internet crazy.With the increasing use of technology for research aswell as leisure,no wonder the evolvement of tagging and archives came about.

From celeb gossip citizen journalists publishing blogs about how Paris Hilton once again has flashes her underwear on the red carpet,to the media students posting blogs once a week to ensure that they pass their degree's.With the use of tagging on search engines it has allowed our lives to become that little bit easier.

Google is the most famous search engine on the internet,it is a great way of capturing information within a click of a mouse.But whats really behind all of the hypertexts and keywords?

As seen in the picture by typing in a keyword such as 'tagging' the webpage will show various examples.This a great example of the way spiders 'software programme' works and how a word can be linked to thousands of other webpages.

Archie-Search by filename
Veronica-allowed multiple word search (including and and or)

By allowing multiple word searches and 'spiders' on the internet it has allowed various other webpages which may not be viewed a lot to be accessible much easier.

Spiders are a computer software,which passes itself through thousands of webpages in gathering information which links to a specific keyword,this ensuring that all alternative weblinks are guaranteed to be relevant to the users needs.

In the 20th Century there are many alternative ways in which tagging is used either by tagging your drunken friend on Facebook or your favourite websites on Delicious.Delicious is a website whereby it plays a role of an archive in storing all of your most used webpages in which can be accessible on any computer.
                     'A walking library of your favourite webpages'


Facebook is a great way of defining tagging,it is simply whereby another user is able to tag a mutual friend in either an event,image or a status update.By allowing us to do this on social networking sites its allowing us the produce hyperlinks on search engines.For example,if you type in your name into google images an image which you may have been tagged on a social networking website will appear,this will also allow the user to access the image as well as the hyperlink,this is a form of tagging and a Folksonomy.

A folksonomy is a type of distributed classification system. It is usually created by a group of individuals, typically the resource users. Users add tags to online items, such as images, videos, bookmarks and text. These tags are then shared and sometimes refined

By allowing us to tag information and pictures on the internet,it has expanded the internet dramatically with the use of various websites being joined together by either links or key words,whereby folksonomies are able to categories information in to relevant settings and groups.

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