Tuesday 15 February 2011

15/2/2011-Is there really a Beginning,Middle and an End or are we living in a fairytale?

Aristotle stated that every good piece of work should include a beginning middle and end,but is this non linearity approach used in hypertext?

Everywhere in the media it seems that Aristotle's approach is still used,from in blockbuster movies with the happy ever after endings to a good piece of journalism printed on the local tabloid.This is mainly down to the crucial fact that without a beginning middle or an end,the piece of writing is pointless as the viewing public crave for a piece of text to be located on one page not over several.

Cybertext is a great way of adapting Aristotle's poetics approach is the beginning middle and end sequences by adapting the endings to the roots in which the reader chooses to take.Whether its reading your latest blog on blogger or reading the newspaper on the sun website,Hypertext has enabled the target audience to adapt Aristotle's approach whereby structures must have a  beginning,Middle and End.Whereby the audience's are able to access whatever piece of information they wish rather than having to go through page by page.


The sun website is a great example of whereby they do not following the linear way of thinking,whereby there is not a beginning middle and End,and whereby the hypertext enabled the public to view various parts of information by simply clicking on various topics down the left hand side of the screen.This shows that once a piece of text has been published the author has no control and the information is in the hands of the viewing public,

“A cybernetic system that generates a different sequence of signs every time the work is experienced”
Marie-Laure Ryan-1999:16

With the invention of the kindle in 2007,the world has gone digital crazy with more and more people using technology rather than the reliable paperback,but the what extent has the kindle damaged the nations love for a paperback and is there really any disadvantages of the kindle?


Annie Proulx stated in 1994 
'Nobody is going to sit down and read a novel on a twitchy little screen.ever!' 

This is not the case in 2011 whereby wherever you are,either on a train to the big city or in a local library,a percentage of the public will be reading a book electronically,but why has the kindle created so much distress to the book lovers.Although the kindle is a quick and affective way of reading a book on the go,there are a few downfalls to the great invention,Many books are unable to be accessible on the kindle,therefore a paperback may be the only option.Although the kindle is an affective and light way of carrying around a library of your favourite books,the cost way vary.An electronic book can cost up to the same amount of any hardback book,so why extinct the hardcopy when your kindle may crash one day and you be without your favourite read.

The twilight sager is a great example of showing where aristotle's theories does not adapt well with cultural aspects and the way that we know live our day to day lives.Whereby Stephanie Meyer has adapted Aristotle's approach and created a beginning,middle and an End over a sequence of four books.This is a clever way of gritting a target audience into a book,whereby the reader is guaranteed to want to read the following books to get to the romantic storyline's of the love struck teenagers,Edward and Bella.And have the need to carry on reading the following books to find out whether they do indeed live happily ever after,and stick to Aristotle approach or whether jacob ruins Aristotle's hard work. 


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